Since inception, Principal Financial Services has been totally focused on the needs and objectives of our clients.
The aim here at Principal Financial Services is to draw upon the experience, knowledge and expertise that is available and offer a quality financial planning service.
We provide the personal service, knowledge, and expertise to help you meet your goals.
The advice given, and recommendations made, will always seek to complement those given by other professionals such as accountants, solicitors and bank managers.
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” - Warren Buffett
Tom Cresswell
Managing Director & Financial Planner
30+ years as a financial planner with extensive experience helping both Higher Net Worth individual clients and businesses.
Juliette Smith
Director & Financial Planner
Over 25+ years experience in financial services, an expert in the corporate market and wealthier individuals. As a female adviser Juliette has helped clients and the business view matters from a female perspective.
Quilter Financial Planning
Providing financial advice has become increasingly complicated with constant and significant changes in legislation, in order to help us provide you with the best service possible we have chosen to work with Quilter Financial Planning who oversee and support our advice proposition.
Quilter Financial Planning Solutions Limited is part of Quilter plc, who offer advice, investments and wealth management both in the UK and internationally, featuring in the FTSE 250 and managing in the region of £100 billion of investments.
Quilter Financial Planning Solutions Limited helps us to provide high quality advice, deliver great service and ensures that we meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of our regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).